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Squash at Auckland Grammar School is incredibly popular, with three competitive teams playing in external competition and a full internal competition for all other players. We are very lucky to have two world class squash courts on campus that our teams can train and play on.

Our Premier 1 team has an incredibly proud history. They are the reigning Auckland Champions and have won 7 national titles over the years, the second most of any NZ school.

Squash as a sport is incredibly good at developing many aspects of fitness, and professional squash players are regarded as some of the fittest athletes on the planet. This video clip shows how Formula 1 drivers use squash as a form of fitness and this article cites Forbes Magazine, who ranked squash as the healthiest sport on the planet!

General Information

Terms played: Term 2 and Term 3

Game days:

  • Premier 1, Premier 2, Open A – Wednesday after School (8 May – 24 July)
  • Auckland Individual Championships – 21 May
  • Auckland Teams Championships – 18 June
  • NZSS Championships – 2-4 August in Lower Hutt
  • Auckland Grammar School squash competition – Tuesday and Thursday after school

Practice times: times vary, but usually in the morning before school


  • Senior inter-school teams (not including Premier 1) – $50 per player. This doesn’t include tournament travel and other trips
  • Auckland Grammar School squash competition – $20 per player

Equipment: Students need their own squash racquet, non-marking shoes, and a white shirt. Boys must wear eye protection (provided by the School)

For further information about inter-school competition (Premier 1/Open A1/Open A2), click here.

Master in Charge: B. Richardson. Students can talk to him in the Physical Education department during the School day or contact him via email.