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Water Polo


Water Polo at Auckland Grammar School is offered for all boys from beginner to advanced players. Over the years many of the top Grammar teams have travelled to South Africa, USA and Australia to take part in the Tasman Cup and other international competitions.

The teams also compete in the regular Auckland and national competitions throughout the year with consistent success.

2022 Captain of Water Polo William Cotter started playing the sport in Form 3 and was surrounded by senior players who mentored him into the player he is today. Will spoke to Headmaster’s Heritage Committee member Vishwas Iyer about what is next for him and how the new outdoor pool will significantly benefit future generations of Water Polo players – watch the full interview below.

General Information

Premier 1: This team competes in the Auckland Premier A Grade and have games every Friday and Sunday evening during Term 1. They participate in a training camp during the week before school starts in January each year. They enter several tournaments including the Christchurch Exchange, Delfina Tournament, North Island & New Zealand Secondary School Championships. The NZSS Tournament takes place during the April school holidays. The cost for the Term 1 season is $400-500 excluding camp and tournament costs.

Premier 2: This team competes in the Auckland Senior A Grade and have games every Friday and Sunday evening during Term 1. They compete at the New Zealand Secondary Schools Division 2 Championship Tournament during the April school holidays. The team trains twice weekly after school and swim fitness before school and is generally a pathway to the Premier team.

Senior Teams 3, 4 and 5: These teams compete in the Auckland Senior B and C grades and will include senior and junior players. They have at least one game a week sometimes two (either Friday evening or late Sunday afternoon or both) during Term 1 only. The teams train twice a week after school.

Juniors Term 1 (Forms 3 and 4): College Sport run two Saturday Junior Tournaments in Term 1. Students are also allocated to a team which competes in the Senior B and C grades and have at least one game a week sometimes two (either Friday evening or late Sunday afternoon or both).

Junior Term 4 (Form 3 and 4): In Term 4 the junior teams are reselected on ability, and they have games every Friday and Sunday evening during Term 4, which is the main Auckland Junior competition. This is also when the Junior A Team compete in the North Island Secondary Schools Championships. The teams train twice a week for Term 4. Players are encouraged to attend morning swim fitness sessions in order to improve their chances of achieving to their potential in Water Polo.

Registrations: Registrations are now open for students wishing to play Water Polo in 2025 – click here to fill in the online form.

Useful links:

Terms played: Terms 1 and 4. While all students play during both summer terms, the official Senior Season is Term 1 and the Junior Season (Forms 3 and 4) is Term 4.

Game days: Games are played on Friday and Sunday evenings during Term 1 and 4.

Practice times: Trainings are after school 3.30-5pm, either Mondays/Wednesdays or Tuesdays/Thursdays, depending on your team selection. Swim fitness is twice weekly before school between 7am-8am.

Costs: Approximately $300-$400 for the year. There will be additional costs for tournaments, camp and trips. Teams can purchase uniforms from the School Shop.

Uniform: Available at the uniform shop. All students will need the Auckland Grammar water polo swimming togs. Juniors wear school Physical Education t-shirt and shorts with trainers for games. The seniors need a Water Polo top with a collar and either the school stadium shorts or school PE shorts along with trainers for games. The Premier team have different swimming togs.

Master in Charge: Mrs de Jager. Students are able to speak to her in the Mathematics department during the School day or contact her via email.