Auckland Grammar School has a proud history in this sport, having won many national titles. There is no secondary schools competition for the sport, so lifters must join an approved Olympic Weightlifting Auckland club and compete in club competitions.
The School has established a partnership with Epsom Strength (run by Crossfit Propolis) on Manukau Road and with Elevation Weightlifting in Gillies Ave. Lifters who are new to the sport will be encouraged to join one of those. Existing lifters may continue to lift with their current club.
General Information
Terms played: Terms 1-4
Game days: Saturday competitions (on average, every 3-4 weeks)
Practice times: 2-3 mornings per week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday 6:30am-7:30am)
Costs: As there is only one weightlifting team and it essentially qualifies as a Premier sport, there are several costs:
- Olympic Weightlifting New Zealand high school membership – $20 per year (cost may be covered by the School)
- Olympic Weightlifting Auckland membership – $20 per year (cost may be covered by the School)
- Personal coaching is by negotiation with the trainer at the gym. As a guide, in 2018 it cost $40 per week (three sessions of one hour each, on Monday/Wednesday/Friday).
Equipment: PE gear and weightlifting shoes
Registration: Term 1
Other Information
There are nine weight classes: (up to) 49kg, 55kg, 61kg, 67kg, 73kg, 81kg, 89kg, 96kg, and 102kg+.
There are two lifts: the Snatch, and the Clean and Jerk.
The National Secondary Schools Tournament takes place in late-August/early-September, over two days. Schools can enter unlimited weightlifters into national tournament, and there is an Under 15 category in addition to an overall category. Grammar lifters who compete at a minimum of three competitions during the year will be eligible for nationals.
Master in Charge: Mr Laing. Students are able to speak to him in E3 during the School day or contact him via email.