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Student Office

The Student Office is located in the Student Centre next to Te Ara; entry is via Gate 1.

Late sign in

All students that are late (after assembly) must sign in at Student Office. If it is due to a pre-arranged appointment, please provide your son with a written note to be handed to Student Office staff.


All students that have obtained an exeat slip from the Deputy Headmaster must sign out at Student Office before they leave and back in when they return. If your son has an urgent appointment please phone the Student Office on 09 623 5400, then select option 1 or extension 502.

Lost Property

All lost property is stored at the Student Office and can be collected by your son during lunch or after school only, we ask that Parents do not come onsite to check lost property. If an item is clearly named, Student Office staff will notify your son to collect this. Unnamed items such as drink bottles, lunch boxes and other items of clothing are disposed of at the end of each term.

If your son is unsure on where to go during the day he should see staff in Student Office who can check his timetable and room changes.


Auckland Grammar School has a limited number of lockers available for student hire, located on the D floor – click here for more information.

ID cards

If your son loses his ID card, he can order a new one via Student Office. Please note there is a $10 postage charge which your son can pay for via the Finance Office (located behind the stage in the Great Hall).

Parent Notice

If your son forgets his lunch, sports shoes, homework, money or any other similar item, please do not bring these to School for him. Students are to take responsibility for their own organisation and we appreciate your support in teaching him this life skill.