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Auckland Grammar School offers skiers the opportunity to join a competitive team that trains and races in the third term of the year. The ski team trains over several weekends and competes at the North Island Secondary School Skiing Championships on Mt. Ruapehu.

In 2013, Auckland Grammar became the first public school to win the championship since 1990.

Auckland Secondary Schools Skiing Championships

This annual event will be happening on Thursday 20 June 2024 at Snowplanet. The event costs $75. Forms need to be back by Friday 7 June 2024. A minivan will be departing school around 6:30am on the day. If you do not have the forms, please email Master in Charge I. Rowe.

Auckland Grammar School Ski Race Training

This will be taking place every Wednesday night for seven weeks from 8 May until 19 June. The cost is $532 (drop-in sessions will cost $85 each). We have our own qualified instructors. Please see Master in Charge I. Rowe for further details.

General Information

Terms played: Term 3

Game days: Sunday-Wednesday

Practice times: 1-2 weekends plus trials


  • Lift pass, coaching fee
  • School pays competition fees
  • Accommodation costs for Championships

Equipment: Skis, boots, poles, goggles (full alpine gear)

Registration: Term 1 and late Term 2

Master in Charge: I. Rowe. Students are able to speak to him in the Mathematics department during the School day or contact him via email.