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School Examinations

Examinations are an integral aspect of life at Auckland Grammar School. Every student sits examinations in all core subjects three times a year and they are used to classify students in a class appropriate to their ability and effort.

School internal examinations also provide valuable practice for external examinations for both Cambridge and NCEA, and for any tertiary study undertaken once a student leaves the School.

It is imperative that each student is given the opportunity in internal examinations to demonstrate their understand and practice examination technique. Therefore, any attempt to remove students early from the School during these examination periods is actively discouraged, as it will impact on future placements and may potentially limit the opportunity for entry to university.

Term 4 examinations

The Junior and Pre-Q examination timetables for the Term 4 examination series are confirmed:

Other important documents to download and read:

Assessed grades for School examinations

If your son will be absent from school during his examinations period, whether for School examinations or external examinations, we ask you to complete the Examinations Absence Notification e-form on the day of his absence. The e-form can be accessed via the Parent Portal.

Parents should be aware that submitting an e-form notifies us of your son’s absence and will generate an automatic response to the email address you have provided us.

Please note that the normal outcome of absence from an examination is that a zero / no result / Not Achieved is awarded. In some circumstances, this can be avoided. Further information is provided in the e-form.