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Week 1 Timings

Day 1 – Tuesday 21 January 2025

Time Action
8:45am All Form 3 students assemble outside the Old Gym in examination groups
9am Welcome by the Form 3 Dean T. Kensington
9:20am-10:20am Mathematics entrance examination (60 minutes)
10:20am-10:45am Interval break
10:50am-11:35am English entrance examination (45 minutes)
11:40am-12:20pm Form 3 student assemble in the Old Gym, with T. Kensington and Head of English C. Laing to speak about language choices. Students will also hear from the Headmaster and the Senior Leadership Team, as well as receive instructions for the PE experience on Day 2
12:20pm-12:55pm Lunch in the courtyard outside the Sports Centre
1pm-2:50pm A full cohort photo on the steps of the Old Boys’ Pavilion, followed by ID photos and orientation and a tour of the campus by senior students
3pm End of School day

Day 2 – Wednesday 22 January 2025

Time Action
8:45am Meet the Form 3 Dean in the courtyard between the Main Hall and Science block and move into assembly en masse
9am First assembly for Form 3 students, where the 2025 Head Prefect will be announced and will be the first student to cross stage
9:45am-11:30am Activities for Day 2
Group Gold: Attitude Seminar until 11am, then presentation by the Form 3 Associate Dean K. Wait on expectations and goal setting in the Centennial Theatre
Group Blue: Athletics Experience on the top field
11:30am-11:50am Interval break
11:50am Form 4 students to perform the School Haka as a welcome to Grammar
12:10pm-12:30pm Students move to the Old Gym, presentations from the Director of Sports Development D. Mackay and the 2025 Head Prefect
12:30pm-1:05pm Lunch in the courtyard outside the Sports Centre
1:15pm-2:45pm Activities for Day 2
Group Blue: Attitude Seminar until 2:15pm, then presentation by the Form 3 Associate Dean on expectations and goal setting in the Centennial Theatre
Group Gold: Athletics Experience on the top field
3pm End of School day

Day 3 – Thursday 23 January 2025

Time Action
9am Assembly in the Great Hall
9:15am The Headmaster will read out classes Form 3 students for Term 1 (provisional)
9:45am General organisation in form classes, including timetables and Form master’s instructions
10:45am Interval break
11am-12:30pm The day will consist of 7 x 30-minute periods. Periods 1, 2 and 3 will happen before lunch
12:30pm-1:15pm Lunch break
1:15pm-3:15pm Periods 4, 5, 6 and 7
3:15pm End of School day

Day 4 – Friday 24 January 2025

Time Action
9am Assembly in the Great Hall, where the 2025 Prefect cohort will be announced
9:25am-10:45am Two x 30 minute periods before interval
10:45am Interval break
11:05am-1:05pm The remainder of the day will be a normal School day
Period 3: 11:05am-11:45am
Period 4: 11:45am-12:25pm
Period 5: 12:25pm-1:05pm
1:05pm Lunch break
1:55pm-3:15pm Period 6: 1:55pm-2:35pm
Period 7: 2:35pm-3:15pm
3:15pm End of School day