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Vocational Studies

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Enrichment Courses are government-funded short courses available to senior students. They are designed to give a taste of future careers, gain experiences and complete certificates to build their CV’s.

They range from one to five days and are normally run during the school holidays. Courses include Information Technology, Scuba Diving and First Aid Certificates and Community Service. In some cases, these courses gain credits towards their NCEA qualifications for NCEA students.

Pathways Classes are timetabled classes from Form 5 through to Form 7. In the entry level class, the emphasis is on providing the student with an introduction to a wide variety of industries and help open their eyes to roles and further vocational training.

In future years, opportunities are added which recognise achievement in a broad range of skills identified by employers as being important in the workplace.

Topics in class work towards achieving NCEA credits as well as outside courses, all building towards their NCEA qualifications. Work Experience can be arranged to help make career decisions towards relevant employment and future study.

Form 5 Career Studies/Vocational Studies – Personal Development (NCEA Level 1)

Prerequisites: Entry to these options is normally based on being part of the full NCEA Level 1 programme. Students will be placed in either the Career Studies or Vocational Studies classes by the Head of Faculty (Vocational and Assisted Learning) based on programme suitability and students’ ability to complete the differing activities involved in two programmes.

Course description/aims: The course has been designed to expose each student to a wide range of topics, including life skills and NCEA assessment methods. Most topics will include a trip into industry to introduce students to relevant occupations such as Travel and Tourism, Information Technology, and the Hospitality sector. This course offers approximately 20 NCEA credits which hold the same value as those offered by other subjects and likewise count towards their NCEA Level 1 and 2 Certificates.

Some points to be aware of are:

  • As above, the credits in Career Studies count towards students’ NCEA Level 1 Certificate and allow a head start to achieving the required 60 credits for Level 1, and the further 60 credits required for the Level 2 Certificate in the following year
  • For some students, this may be a two-year commitment

Methods of assessments: The course is internally assessed through the completion of Unit Standards, class assessments and School examinations.

Form 6 Career Studies – Employment Skills (NCEA Level 2)

Prerequisites: Selection for this course is confirmed by the Head of Vocational and Assisted Learning in consultation with Form 5 Career Studies teachers and the Dean.

Course description/aims: This course’s content in Employment Skills is designed to recognise achievement in a broad range of skills identified by employers as being important in the workplace. These skills include communication, personal goal setting and career planning. These credits also count towards NCEA Levels 1 and 2. This course will assist the student in becoming ‘work ready’.

Course outline: The Employment Skills course generally comprise two components.

Vocational Skills: these are taught in the class and on short courses will include basic employment rights and responsibilities, self-awareness, curriculum vitae writing, career planning, and some practical trade skills.

Work Experience should enable students to overcome some of the uncertainty approaching future job opportunities or vocational training. Students can investigate first hand, occupations of interest, collect information on careers, and assess the suitability of these options. This will also give an insight into what it takes to be in a full-time working environment.

Methods of assessments: The course is internally assessed through the completion of Unit Standards, Class assessments and School examinations.

Form 7 Career Studies – Student Pathways (NCEA Level 3)

Prerequisites: Entry to Form 7 is based on achievement of NCEA Level 2. Numeracy and Literacy is required, with a high standard of attendance. 

Although this course is open entry, positions will be confirmed by the Head of Faculty (Vocational and Assisted Learning) in consultation with Form 6 Career Studies teachers and the Dean where appropriate.

Course description/aims: The course content in the Student Pathways Programme is designed to research training options as a class, based on the class’s collective interest, trial individual interest courses through the School’s STAR Programme and have the opportunity to ‘test-drive’ career options in the workplace through work experience. The credits on offer also count towards NCEA Levels 2 and 3. This course will assist students in making informed career pathway decisions for the end of the year.

The main difference between this and the Gateway Programme is the industry courses taken are class-driven, not individual-learner driven. Students will not normally spend one day a week in industry, but three or four days a term on class courses with the possibility of ‘work tasters’ as part of students’ career development.

Course outline: This will include career testing and support as well as CV development, relevant industry required communication and safety training. The Student Pathways course comes in two components:

  • Vocational Skills covered will include career research and career planning. The class will choose from two course options which will include training and complete several work experience hours that will assist students to gain casual employment
  • Training Courses should enable students to take a closer look at adult-styled vocational training. This will allow them to collect information on careers and assess the suitability of these options. Students will decide on a personal career question and complete a research assignment and present it back to their peers

Methods of assessments: The course is internally assessed through the completion of Unit Standards, Class assessments and School examinations.

Career Studies – Gateway

Prerequisites: Open to ALL levels of academic attainment for students in Form 6 and 7 who:

  • Have a good attendance record
  • Can keep up to date with academic studies while on placement (Gateway is in addition to five School-based subjects)
  • Have a desire to explore a particular career path
  • Have achieved satisfactory English and Mathematics results
  • Are ready to enter the working world or tertiary study but want to gain prior experience

Acceptance is by way of an application and interview process. Applications are open from Term 3 for the following year with 33 placements available.

Course description/aims:

  • The Gateway programme provides students with structured workplace learning, across a range of industries and businesses, while they continue to study at School
  • It is designed to strengthen the pathway for senior students to progress from School to the workplace or tertiary study
  • It provides pathways towards future training, study, employment and/or an apprenticeship.
  • Students gain confidence and have ongoing enthusiasm for their education
  • Students learn industry-based skills and gain valuable experience and knowledge
  • It gives students the opportunity to make informed choices about their future direction
  • The programme helps to develop relationships between students, Workforce Development Councils (WDC), Tertiary Institutes, and employers. It supports the student in developing a more ‘tertiary’ type of study arrangement with rigour and accountability, while still in a secondary School environment and with full School support

Course outline:

  • Compulsory Health and Safety course early in Term 1
  • Students will be placed in a work placement, generally for one day per week for 5+ weeks.
  • School attendance will continue as normal
  • The Gateway programme requires that students complete 20 industry based NCEA credits
  • Placements will usually commence in Term 1 or 2 with the view to being completed by the end of Term 3 at the latest

If you have any further questions please contact our staff today.