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The ESOL Department assists students who have non-English speaking backgrounds. The specialist staff teach the English language needed for achievement across all curriculum areas.

Senior classes enable students to gain NCEA Level 1 Literacy Credits, and Level 2 University Entrance Literacy Credits in English. The classes for Forms 6 and 7 enable achievement of similar standards to mainstream English, but there is also support for academic vocabulary development and understanding of grammatical rules.

Form 4

Prerequisites: Form 3 English Language (ESOL).

Course description/aims: The Form 4 English Language (ESOL) programme will continue the cross-curricular English language support given in Form 3. The focus of the programme is on developing fluency and accuracy in English. Grammar is systematically taught together with listening, speaking, reading, and writing genres relevant to curriculum areas.

Form 5 (Pre-Q)

Prerequisites: Students are selected for English Language (ESOL) classes based on their Form 4 English results and referrals.

Course description/aims: The Form 5 English programme aims to further develop fluency in listening, speaking, writing, and reading in English. It also gives targeted support in grammar and language development. The programme provides students with the opportunity to develop the skills required to gain NCEA Level 1 Literacy standards and preparation in the skills required for NCEA English Level 2.

Course outline: Students will study short stories, a film, and a novel. These will be tested by formal essays under internal assessment or examination conditions. Speeches, research, and language knowledge will be included in course work. Course work will also include a wide reading programme. Units of work include:

Core papers

  • New Zealand short stories
  • Personal responses to texts
  • Film study
  • Novel study
  • Unfamiliar text analysis
  • Formal writing

Course work

  • Research
  • Connections across texts report
  • Language knowledge
  • Speeches
  • Personal wide reading

There will be flexibility in tailoring programmes for different groups of students. English Language Unit Standards will be utilised to assess the development of students’ English Language skills, where appropriate.

Methods of assessment: Over the year, there will be opportunities to gain NCEA English Level 1 Achievement Standards, or English Language credits from internally assessed unit standards. Units of work will be tested in the school examinations each term:

  • 1 x 1-hour examination – end of Term 1
  • 1 x 2-hour examination – end of Term 2
  • 1 x 3-hour examination – end of Term 3

Continuation of subject: Students, after consultation, may continue to Form 6 English Language (ESOL) or enter a mainstream Form 6 English class in the following year.

Form 6 (NCEA Level 2)

Prerequisites: Students are selected for ESOL classes based on their Form 5 English Language results. This course is also available to selected Cambridge students wishing to gain University Entrance Literacy.

Course description/aims: The Form 6 English Language programme will use both Achievement and Unit Standards that earn credits towards NCEA Level 2. The course aims to further develop fluency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English. Special attention is given to developing skills needed for academic study at university level.

Course outline:

One-year programme: This course will provide ample opportunity for gaining the necessary credits for University Entrance Literacy:

  • 2.1 – Analyse written texts [4 Credits, External]
  • 2.2 – Analyse visual texts [4 Credits, External]
  • 2.4 – Produce crafted writing [6 Credits, Internal]
  • 2.5 – Construct and deliver an oral text [3 Credits, Internal]
  • 2.8 – Use information literacy skills [4 Credits, Internal]
  • 2.9 – Personal response to independently read texts [4 Credits, Internal]

Two-year programme: The two-year Form 6 programme is designed for Form 6 students who may need an extra year to achieve University Entrance Literacy. In the first year, the course focuses on scaffolding the skills needed for reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Suitable English Language Unit Standards are offered in these areas, along with selected Level 2 English Achievement Standards leading to University Entrance Literacy credits. In the second year, students may join the Form 7 programme to complete Level 2 Literacy Units. English Language unit standards offered at Form 6 include:

  • EL US Level 3 30997 – Read and understand a text on a familiar topic [5 Credits]
  • EL US Level 3 28068 – Write a connected text on a familiar topic [5 Credits]
  • EL US Level 3 28062 – Participate in a formal interview [5 credits]

Continuation of subject: Students, after consultation, may continue to Form 7 ESOL or enter a mainstream Form 7 English class in the following year.

Form 7 (NCEA Level 3)

Prerequisites: Students are selected based on their Form 6 English Language results. This is a continuation of the 2-year Form 6 English Language course, although new Form 7 NCEA students can be admitted after consultation with the Head of ESOL.

Course description/aims: English for Academic Purposes: this class is offered to both International and Domestic ESOL students who need to achieve University Entrance Literacy standards and/or require some Level 3 English qualifications taught through ESL methodology.

The course also develops English language skills in academic vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening, and speaking in order to prepare students for tertiary courses. Level 2 and 3 NCEA English externals are offered.

N.B. This course cannot be used as an approved Level 3 NCEA subject for University Entrance requirements.

Course outline:


  • English Level 2 A/S 2.1* – Analyse specified aspects of studied written text/s [4 Credits]
  • English Level 2 A/S 2.8 * – Use information literacy skills [4 credits]
  • English Level 2 A/S 2.9 * – Form developed personal responses [4 credits]
  • English Level 3 A/S 3.1 * – Respond critically to specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s) [4 credits]
  • EAP Level 4 22751* – Read and process information in English for an academic purpose [6 credits]
  • EAP Level 3 30511 – Read and apply understanding in English for academic purposes [6 credits]
  • EL US 31003 – Read and understand a text for a practical purpose in an applied context [5 credits]


  • English Level 2 A/S 2.1* – Analyse specified aspects of studied written text/s [4 Credits]
  • English Level 2 A/S 2.4 * – Produce crafted and controlled writing [6 credits]
  • English Level 3 A/S 3.4* – Produce a selection of fluent and coherent writing which develops, sustains, and structures ideas.
  • English Level 3 A/S 3.1* – Respond critically to specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s) [4 credits]
  • English Level 3 A/S 3.2* – Respond critically to specified aspect(s) of studied visual or oral text(s) [4 Credits]
  • EAP Level 4 22750* – Write crafted text using researched material in English for an academic purpose [6 credits]
  • EL US Level 3 28070 – Write a response for a specific purpose [5 credits]


  • English Level 3 A/S 3.5 – Construct and deliver an oral text [3 Credits]

* University Entrance Literacy Standard (English NCEA Level 2 or 3)

IELTS: Practice and formative assessments for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) will form part of the course work. These skills will be transferable to any academic course of tertiary study. Students who wish to enter this examination, however, must do so through an official external testing centre such as a language school at a local university.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our staff today.