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Music News

Music Performance Group Uniform

As representatives of Auckland Grammar School, all music performance group members are required to maintain a high standard of dress at all times.

All members must wear performance uniform when performing to external or internal audiences, including assembly. Students are allowed to wear performance uniform for the rest of the school day after an assembly performance.

Our performance uniform is as follows:

Music performance blazer, School tie, white shirt, black trousers, black socks, and polished black shoes (except where there is a specific performance uniform, ie. Pipe Band). All items are available for purchase at the School’s Uniform shop. The Pipe Band uniform is provided.

Performing Arts Awards

Click here for the list of students who received Colours at the 2023 Colours and Performing Arts Assembly on Wednesday 29 November.

Music Lesson Timetables

Lesson timetables are available online through the School website. Students should check their lesson timetable every week and preferably the day prior to their lesson. Last-minute changes will be communicated to students by Assembly notices or directly from the relevant itinerant teacher/Music staff member.

It is expected that students should notify both their lesson teacher and the Music Administrator via email for any planned or unplanned absences.

Attendance and Progress

Parents please note that school lessons are provided on the condition that your son’s attendance and progress meets our minimum expectations. We recommend 20-30 minutes practise at least five times every week for beginners and double this time for more advanced players. Learning an instrument is incredibly rewarding but requires consistent effort.

Students should remember that if they apply themselves as musicians they can clearly then demonstrate to a university or future employer that they have an amazing skill set, including motivation, coordination, concentration, determination, resilience, with high-level processing and problem-solving skills.

Furthermore, diligent musicians can claim to be reliable, punctual, good at taking instructions, effective working collaboratively in a group and used to performing under pressure.

Assembly Performances

Music groups perform throughout the year in Assembly. A schedule of these performances is available in the Music Department and on the School Schedule.

Performance Group Membership

A link to enrol your son for a Music group can be found on the Play in a Music Group page of the website (enrolments will be open from Week 4, Term 4). Parents should register their son via the online form if they will be new to the School and would like to join a music group, or if they would like to be considered for a different music group in the forthcoming year. Once registered, students will be requested to record and submit a short video of a solo piece which demonstrates their playing ability, for music staff to review.

Your son should remember that once he has committed to a group, attendance is compulsory. He must arrive in time to warm-up and tune before the official start time. If he cannot attend he must always ask the Director of the group for permission and if he is sick he should email the Director before the start of the rehearsal if practical, or when able to.

Pre-owned Music Performance Blazers

Please complete this online form if you will have a School music performance blazer to sell. Perhaps your son is leaving the School, is no longer in a Music group, or they have simply outgrown their blazer.

Families who are seeking to purchase a pre-owned School music performance blazer are also invited to complete the online form. In cases of genuine hardship, parents are welcome to discuss uniform issues with the Head of Music via email.

Parent Portal charges

Charges for itinerant music lessons, instrument and locker hire will be loaded onto the Parent Portal from Term 1, and throughout the School year if applicable. Your prompt payment is appreciated.