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Students taking the Gateway programme at the School (pictured) started 2023 with a Health and Safety course, and our young men are now looking forward to being placed in their chosen career work experience pathway.

What is Gateway?

The Gateway programme is designed to strengthen the pathway for Senior students to progress from school to the workplace or Tertiary study. It provides students with structured workplace learning, across a range of industries and businesses, while they continue to study at school.

Students are given the opportunity to ‘test drive’ their career choices, while gaining real-world experience. Gateway gives the students confidence to make smooth transition from school to work. The Gateway programme requires that students complete a minimum of 20 industry based credits.


  • Students attend their Gateway placement generally for one day per week for 5-10 weeks. There may also be options to complete a placement during the holidays
  • School attendance will continue as normal
  • Knowledge and skills to be attained by students who have their workplace learning assessed
  • Placements will usually commence in Term 1 or 2 with the view to being completed by the end of Term 3

See where some of our students have placed

Recent leaver Cameron Madden works at Advance Aerospace as a composite technician. He talked about how he found his role through the GATEWAY programme at Auckland Grammar School.

What are the costs associated with Gateway?

Gateway is fully funded by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) – there is no cost to learners.

Who is eligible for the Gateway programme?

  • Senior students (in Form 6 and 7)
  • Students who have a good attendance record
  • Students who can keep up to date with academic studies while on placement (Gateway is in addition to five other subjects)
  • Students who have a desire to explore a particular career path
  • Students who have achieved satisfactory English and Maths results
  • Students who are ready to enter the working world but want some experience first
  • Students who have parental approval and support
  • Students are carefully screened before admittance to the programme

Acceptance is by way of an application and interview process and the School reserves the right to select suitable pupils. Auckland Grammar School is currently funded, and has places for 35 pupils in the Gateway programme.

What are the School’s responsibilities?

  • The School will provide on-going support for students and employers
  • It will provide students with tools and specific safety equipment at no cost to the employer
  • Students will receive Health and Safety training prior to work placement commencing, as well as Site Safe training if necessary
  • The School will develop a learning plan specific to each student

What are some of the benefits to students who participate in Gateway?

  • The programme creates valuable relationships with industry professionals
  • Students gain confidence and have ongoing enthusiasm for their education
  • Students learn industry-based skills and gain valuable experience and knowledge
  • Gateway gives students the opportunity to make informed choices about their future direction
  • Students gain more confidence to experience life after school with the full support of Auckland Grammar School
  • Students have the opportunity to gain extra credits to go on their NZQA Record of Learning
  • Students will gain a realistic workplace experience
  • They also have the opportunity to blend school study with work-place learning and experience
  • Gateway provides pathways towards future training, study, employment and/or apprenticeship

For more information, contact Gateway Coordinator H. Tito
Phone: 09 623 5400 extn 562