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The Torch of Tradition recipient: W. M. Jones

The Torch of Tradition is awarded to the young man who has been most conspicuous for devotion to the School and its traditions, service and self-sacrifice, general conduct inside and outside the School, character, bearing and manner, and a sense of responsibility and school spirit.

The record over the whole of a young man’s school career, or most of it, will have to be considered, and the 2022 recipient is Deputy Head Prefect W. M. Jones.

Will is an able all-round student. He has worked with determination and advance his academic standing in Cambridge qualifications. 

He has been committed to School life throughout his five years and has demonstrated considerable character in and outside of the classroom through his conduct.

As a cricketer, he has demonstrated leadership, responsibility and service as captain of the 1st XI Cricket team this year. He is community-mindedness has been tangibly demonstrated through his enthusiasm supporting the School as a spirited and bias member of the Augusta Army.

Will has been this year’s Deputy Head Prefect. He has contributed extensively to the tone and culture of the School through his partnership with Head Prefect L. M. Eglinton. He has readily accepted responsibility and shown pride in his School through his actions.

Will has responded with modesty, respect and good humour as a representative of Auckland Grammar School and has lived our values.

Will Jones has made the most of the opportunities presented to him. He has understood and respected Auckland Grammar School traditions and endorsed its ethos through his service, character, bearing and manner.