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Message from the Headmaster – September 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

In the past few weeks, members of the Grammar community have had the opportunity to read of individual and team achievements in academia, sport and the performing arts on our website or via social media channels, with some 10 teams representing the School at regional or national tournaments. My thanks are extended to the teams, their coaches, managers and supporters for the way they represented Auckland Grammar School.

The results shared in this edition of the Bulletin speak for themselves, as do the teams’ on-field competitive focus and their off-field attention to detail. My observations have been that students understand it is a privilege to represent Grammar, and thus work with us to meet or exceed the standards we aspire to attain consistently as a School. 

I also wish the Cycling squad, the Premier Basketball team and the Weightlifting squad well for their respective New Zealand Secondary Schools Championships that will take place at the end of Term 3. We look forward to seeing them represent the School with pride and ambition. 

Many lessons are learnt competing at regional and national competitions – more than anything, to have no regrets regarding performance and equally important is to have no regrets with attitude. It is how we react when winning and losing that really does matter; winning with humility and losing with dignity.  

At this stage of Term 3, Form 6 and 7 students are building to their final internal examinations followed by their external examinations. Just as our sportsmen have prepared for their respective Auckland, regional or national competitions, it is now time for all seniors to turn their attention to studying effectively and regularly. Examination deadlines will quickly follow for Form 3-5 and thus they too should put into place a study regime and begin acting upon it.

Like our sportsmen, it is important that all our young men have confidence in themselves and the work they have done to date, as this belief will aid their performance. Likewise, students should have faith in their teachers and to continue to surround themselves with good people. The influence that hard work and commitment will have on academic outcomes in the weeks and months ahead cannot be underestimated. Through consistent application, belief and seeking support they will minimise distractions and achieve their potential.

I do encourage you to initiate an open conversation with your son, about his priorities for the remainder of the year and in preparation for 2024. From now, in week 8 of Term 3, your son should be making sacrifices to ensure he maximises his opportunities for academic success this year. As we approach the 2023 Rugby World Cup, you may take the opportunity to remind him that “Champions do extra”.

Sam McNaughton
Acting Headmaster